Most Trusted Nepali Patro. Nepali Calendar Now Mobile.Toyanath Patro is a legacy of 127 years that has been continued by chaturbhuj prakashan. Toyanat
Most trusted Nepali Patro. Nepali Calendar now mobile.
Toyanath Patro is a legacy of 127 years that has been continued by Chaturbhuj Prakashan.
Toyanath Patro is also known as 'Toyanath Panchanga' in its printed form, it is authentic Nepali Calendar that has been accepted socially and culturally by Nepalese across the globe.
In order to merge with the recent times and for making it easy for our readers, a digital representation of the first Nepali Patro has been made.
Toyanath Patro consists of:
1. Nepali Patro (Nepali Calendar, BS Calendar)
1. Interactive display of events in chronological order.
2. Monthly and Yearly horoscope.
3. Saait for different events.
4. Date Converter (BS to AD and vice-versa)
5. Mantra for various auspicious occasions.
6. Dream Interpretation.
7. Calendar View of Toyanath Sajilo Patro in Nepali fonts.
9. Vastu Sastra
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Toyanath Patro - Nepali Calendar application uses internet connectivity to download its contents.